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Mid-Summer Harvest

By August 4, 2020No Comments

Mid-Summer Harvest

I dug my heels in this spring when my family decided to throw their collective shoulders into planting our garden. Maybe it was because it was Mother’s Day and slinging a Pulaski through the air was not my preferred way to celebrate. But we had celebrated me the day before with a hike and our first take out meal since shelter in place began…and the garden beds were calling.

Beautiful, raised garden beds were in place when we bought this purple house a couple of years ago and had been neglected since we moved in. And the troops seemed ready to tackle the weeds…except for me.

At first I sat on the porch steps in the sun and drank my coffee…watching my family dig, pull weeds, and haul dirt. But eventually I hopped up, turned on some music and set to work with my little tribe.

I won’t say that the work was fun, but we did settle into a groove with our tasks.  It felt good to be digging in the dirt and planting seeds during such an uncertain time…to know that our efforts would indeed come to fruition and we would feast on the fruits of our labor.

Now, as I watch the plants grow and begin harvesting dark leafy greens and fragrant herbs, I’m grateful for all of the hard work we did in May.

I love walking to the garden each morning to harvest greens for our morning smoothie; clipping the kale, cilantro, parsley, basil, and mint leaves; rinsing them under cold water before tossing them in the blender.  And there’s a strange, settling satisfaction I feel when my kiddos begin their day with dark, leafy greens in their belly. I’m sure mamas everywhere can relate.

If you would like to try starting your day with a punch of vitamins, nutrients and fiber, try my “Go to” Green Machine Kale Smoothie Recipe here. No home garden needed, because your local farmers always appreciate your support.

Let me know what you think.

And share it with a friend, if you believe they might enjoy it.

Cheers to yours health!


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