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Grow & Be Free

By July 7, 2022August 17th, 2022No Comments

“I am not here to compete. I am here to grow and be free.” ~Yung Pueblo

Summer is my absolute favorite season here in the Idaho mountains. I love the expansive blue skies; sipping coffee on my porch in the cool morning air; the explosion of color in my garden, as flowers each take a turn blooming then fading; and the baby pears in our yard just beginning to show their shape…a hint of the luscious, sweet fruit they will become…with proper nourishment, sunlight, and loving care.

These little pears and the simple, yet uplifting quote above inspired me to ask:

Where do you go to grow and be free?

This may feel like a loaded question given the current political climate. But instead of looking outside yourself, I invite you to turn inward; where we have a little more agency and authority.

Over 20 years ago now, I walked into my first yoga class in search of freedom. I longed for balance and ease in my body after years of running, hiking, cycling, kayaking, and skiing. Still, in my 20’s (the latter ones for those of you doing math in your head right now😊), my body felt tight, achy, and lacked mobility.

The freedom I found on the yoga mat turned out to be so much more than I expected.

In the warm, quiet room, surrounded by soothing sounds, I began to connect with my breath. The movement and breathing dissolved tension in my body and my overactive mind began to settle.

Here, in this space, I could see that on a deeper level, I also needed freedom in my mind. Freedom from my inner critic and old stories that I had been telling myself for years.

Awareness is always the first step toward freedom. First, we must notice the places of constriction: our attachments, the things we cling to, the thoughts and judgments that don’t serve us. From there we can begin the process of growing and becoming free.

By returning to the yoga mat, again and again, my body slowly released and opened and the mobility I had lost was restored. But the greatest gift I received from this ancient practice was relief from constriction in my mind. I found a place to go to manage my stress and return to the easeful state I believe we are all meant to feel daily.

I believe that deep within each of us, there’s a reservoir of peace and calm. A place where our true wisdom and knowing reside.

Making time in a full life, to connect with this quiet place can be difficult. But the treasure that awaits here is priceless.

Practices…like journaling, yoga, meditation, and time in nature are powerful ways to tap in. In a good week, I use all of these tools. But just like everyone else, I, too, have periods where it’s tough to make time for self-care. I circle my meditation cushion for days, like my dog circles her bed, before finally settling in for the rest she instinctually knew she needed.

Over time, these practices have become home to me. They are where I go to grow and become free.

As the world gets more complex and our challenges bigger, creating space to check in and care for yourself is essential. And having a community of “Freedom seekers” to share the journey with is always more fulfilling and fun.

So, if you’re feeling tight, stressed, overwhelmed, and in need of freedom, but don’t know where to start or you’ve been circling the yoga mat, but can’t seem to land, I’d love to help find spaciousness and relief through yoga and mindfulness.

(short for Tener. Get it?) and our sweet community of yogis

At the onset of the pandemic, a lovely posse of yogis began gathering with me online to share all that was unfolding in the world and collectively breathe through the craziness. Born from a desire to continue connecting and growing together, I created an online yoga studio, STUDIO TEN, where we continue to meet weekly and practice yoga together.

On STUDIO TEN, you can also practice yoga at your convenience using the Online Library of 120+ classes, both active and restorative, with filters to easily choose a class to fit your needs. And new classes and content are added weekly.

All levels are welcome here and I would love for you to join in the fun and freedom!

To sign up, take a peek at the studio, or try one of the “Free Sample” classes, go here:  STUDIO TEN

In-Person Yoga in Hailey

And for the locals in the house, I do teach three in-person yoga classes a week in Hailey, Idaho. To learn more about this option, go here:  In-person Yoga with Tener

Grow and Be Free

My passion for yoga deepens daily and my desire to share that love grows in equal measure. Together, may we take steps toward consistent self-care. May find freedom and grow into our full, luscious potential…just like the baby pears in my yard.

**NEW** July Playlist

To amplify your yoga experience or whatever you are diving into this summer, here is a NEW playlist I created for you. My favorite pick on this mix is “We Deserve To Dream” by Xavier Ruud. It’s full to the brim with summer freedom and energy! Go here to drop in for a listen:     July Playlist

Alright, my friend, I hope our paths cross soon.


“You don’t need to seek freedom in some distant land, for everything already exists within your own body, heart, mind, and soul” ~BKS Iyengar 

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