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Take One Deep Breath

By August 16, 2023September 23rd, 2023No Comments

There’s a cadence to summer. Like the dotted lines rolling by as you cruise down the open road.


Like the driving rhythm in songs I love including “Eminence Front” by The Who or one of my mom’s favorites, ”Maniac”, from the movie Flashdance.

The pace is steady and strong…and I feel it all around me right now.

August is upon us more quickly than I desire. So, every morning I sit in quiet, steady my breath, connect with my center, and vow to savor each moment as it unfolds. I promise to stay present to the color, sounds, and beauty of my favorite season.

Alas, life presses in, as it always does, and I catch myself caught up in ruminating thoughts. Recounting the past and planning the future as if in a trance of worry, striving, organizing, and stress.

One deep breath can break this spell of habitual thinking and bring me back. If only I can remember more often. If only I could “stay awake” a little more each day.

I remember when my kids were small and I was struggling. We were living in Chicago at the time. Mason was two and Ellis, just a baby. My dad was at the end of his long battle with cancer and miles away. Ben spent hours commuting into the city, working full time, and getting his MBA at night, so had struggles of his own. And I felt quite alone.

Often, I felt I was missing the whole experience of life. Those precious first years with my babes. The last moments with my dad.

Between the sleepless nights feeding, rocking one or both kids, the endless diapers, tantrums, and perpetual doubt and guilt, I felt lost in thought. Head down, as if in a daydream…or maybe a nightmare, I wasn’t awake to the experience unfolding in front of me.

At this time, I was also completing my first Yoga Teacher Training. Every Sunday, I’d drive into the city for six hours of focused study, meditation, physical practice, adjusting, chanting, and more. It was here that something opened up in me.

On the yoga mat, the focused movement and breathing helped me disconnect from my chaotic mental state and struggle. A portal seemed to open and I connected with a deeper part of myself. A place of calm. A place of greater perspective, inner knowing, wisdom, and intuition. A temporary sense of peace.

In these moments, I could see my life from the outside…like a hawk circling above and looking down.

I saw it ALL, felt it ALL in the most beautiful way.

The sadness of loss and the joy of a small palm resting against my cheek. The sound of Mason’s giggle, the depth of Ellis’s bright, blue eyes. My exhaustion and tears in the shower once both kids fell asleep. And the warmth and comfort of Ben curled around me at the end of each day.

I saw and felt the TRUTH of this crazy, fantastic, messy, challenging, beautiful life. That life is a ride! That I was doing the best I could. That I was enough. And that everything was unfolding precisely the way it was supposed to.

We’ve all endured times of great struggle…and experienced moments of pure joy. Most of us have places where we step out of the swirling energy of life and check in with ourselves.

Graciously, many of you shared your stories with me over the last few weeks. Following the piece I wrote about Connection & Belonging, responses started flowing in…more than ever before.

When asked “Where do you connect with yourself?” here is what you shared: In nature, practicing yoga, hiking, dancing, meditating, traveling solo, praying, journaling, listening to music, painting, drawing, walking on the beach, floating in water, arranging flowers, and sipping warm coffee in the quiet of a new day.

Thank you for taking the time to send me your “places”!!!

As we roll into August, we’re going to keep the Connection exploration going. It feels resonant right now.

This week, we’re amplifying and highlighting the importance of connecting with ourselves. Considering, “How is the relationship you are having with yourself going?”

Next, we’ll focus on the importance of connecting with loved ones and a *“Right Tribe” (* I recognize, from the lens of cultural appropriation, the term “Tribe” needs to be replaced. Alas, it comes straight from the lessons learned from studying the happiest, healthiest, longest-lived humans residing in the world’s Blue Zones. Hang tight. We’ll unpack this together…respectfully.) Lastly, we’ll explore our connection to the living world and possibly something larger than ourselves.

I’m excited to dive in with you and want to thank you for being here; being part of this community and conversation. Thank you for exploring this journey of life with me!

NEW August Playlist

My August playlist is ready to roll below! (just click the link above) This one’s full of playful beats and lighthearted melodies. I’ve included a few angsty tunes as well to move us one step closer to fall. And a Savasana/ final resting song sure to drop you straight into yourself.

Feeling Stressed? Try Box Breathing with me

Join me on STUDIO TEN for a simple yet effective breathing technique that is wonderful for reducing stress, regulating your heart rate, and calming your nervous system. It includes equal parts inhale, retention, exhale, and retention. I’ll guide you to find a pace that suits your body while we practice together.

As always, things become more natural with practice. Give it a go more than once to truly feel the power of this practice.


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